World Cyber Games Rivals!

Showdown battle between the best Korean and Japanese players awaits!
WCG returns in 2022 after a long wait with a new Clash Royale event, WCG Rivals will be an invitational competition with the best Clash Royale players in Korea and Japan.
Starting December 17th at 9:00 AM UTC, the representative Clash Royale influencers of 2 Korean teams and 2 Japanese teams will compete for a total prizepool of $20,000 - this matchup will be broadcasted live on various channel with Korean, Japanese and English broadcasters.
X-Bow Team
Juaaco Team

Samurai Blue Team
Hinomaru Red Team

Casters South Korea: Jun - Euichan Japan: Kishi Taiga - Raiki Jones English: G.clef - Paperthin
Broadcast Channels Korean: Twitch - Youtube Japanese: Twitch - Youtube English: Twitch - Youtube
Time to crown the first WCG Rivals Champion, who do you think will win? Tune in and don’t miss out on all the action coming this weekend! Good luck in the Arena, Clash Royale Esports team